Yellow september and its questions
According to psychiatrist Humberto Muller, “In Brazil, there is a death by suicide every 45 minutes, but for each death we have another 20 attempts. The numbers are high and worrying”.
How to approach such a delicate and painful subject? We started our article by asking the question: What is yellow September? It is the month dedicated to the suicide prevention campaign. Cases of attempted suicide have increased over the past few years. According to psychiatrist.
Humberto Muller, “In Brazil, there is a death by suicide every 45 minutes, but for each death we have another 20 attempts. The numbers are high and worrying.” But why do we talk about this topic in our institutional magazine? Because this scenario has been getting closer and closer to each of us. In the offshore sector, with the Corona Virus pandemic, in addition to many shutdowns, there were many changes in the way of working, which brought more time away from the family and their homes. Longer quarantines and more time on board.

Lifting understands that the mental health of its collaborator is extremely important, that without this care, there is no way to live well, let alone work. Some time ago, a partnership was signed between the company and Clínica Pró Saúde, which has several professionals at the disposal of our employees, with teleservice and contact for questions and clarifications. Partnership created at the beginning of the pandemic, aimed at caring for the health of our employees.

To better elucidate the subject, we bring a brief interview with the psychologist and psychoanalyst of Pró Saúde, Andressa Melo, who talks about the importance of mental health care, as well as physical health. The psychologist says that the myth: “if we don’t talk about it, it won’t happen”, is something dangerous, because it is through speech and transparency in approaching the topic, with due care, that it allows the creation of a space of help and reception.
It is more than necessary but essential that we bring the information that it is possible to seek help. Loneliness, financial difficulties, the loss of people we love, violence and the lack of quality time doing what brings us happiness has led human beings to exhaustion, anxiety and depression. From the emotional to the physical, the human being is increasingly sick.
“The other will not always verbalize and demonstrate what he is feeling, you have to show that you are available for him, to listen to him and even if you often don’t understand him, you will still be there.” Says the psychoanalyst. We will not always understand the pain of the other, and even so, it is possible to help him, looking for a trained professional and giving him space to feel his pain.
Care for physical and mental health must go hand in hand, because “there is no separation of body and mind, we are one”. Balance is essential for the pursuit of a healthier and more fulfilled life.
The psychologist ends our interview by stating the importance of asking for help when she is not feeling well. “Talk to your friends and family, notify your guardian when you don’t feel able to continue performing your role at that time. Don’t keep it to yourself, look for a safe space and especially, don’t feel weak for seeking professional help, it just shows how strong you are and still have the desire to live.”

QSMS director Nathalia Carvalhal talks about how important it is for Lifting that its employees take care of themselves, because “their work is in a risk zone and any accident on board can be fatal”.
Lack of attention can be related to emotional problems and this directly affects every aspect of your life. “You are not feeling well, it is essential that you go to your immediate supervisor and report what is happening” because taking care of your mental health should be your priority.